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As we near the end of the year, you may find yourself contemplating all of the things you will see, do, and achieve in the coming 365 days. Regardless of the scenarios you have encountered in 2017, you are likely feeling optimistic and ready to take on the challenges the new year presents, especially if they result in your own betterment.

This positive mindset is typically the reason why approximately one-half of our population sets New Year’s resolutions — goals they set and wish to achieve by the end of the coming year. However, statistics show that approximately 80 percent of these resolutions die by February, and only 8 percent of those who set these goals actually fulfill them.

While these numbers may seem grim, do not let them intimidate you, especially if you intend to set several resolutions of your own. Instead, maintain your determination and work toward your own improvement.

To further inspire you, let us examine some pertinent goals you could set to enhance your own financial growth and stability.

Put a focus on spending less money

Do you often splurge on expensive coffee drinks or meals out? You are not alone! Countless Americans find a decent chunk of their paychecks going toward these frivolous expenses. While there is nothing wrong with treating yourself every once in a while, take this opportunity to rein in these habits, trading your usual restaurant order for a packed lunch, or your large latte for a cup of coffee you brewed in your own office.

It may be difficult to adapt to these changes at first — that is, until you see just how much money you are truly saving and putting toward more worthwhile causes.

Explore your investing options

Now, it is important to note that one does not have to buy into the stock market in order to invest. After all, stocks are investment vehicles that carry high volatility — an unpredictability that newer investors will want to avoid until they get their footing. Therefore, it is recommended that one looks into investment accounts that will benefit them in the long run, such as Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, and so on.

Pay off your credit card debt

In the financial realm, there are few things more burdensome than carrying a large amount of debt on one’s shoulders. With that in mind, take some time to map out just how you can eliminate as much of your debt as possible in the new year. This could be achieved by employing tactics such as the snowball method, by putting down more than just the minimum payment, or by focusing a majority of your discretionary income on the repayment of your largest debt.

Regardless of how you choose to improve your finances in the new year, be sure you stick with the decisions you have made. Disciplining yourself in this way will be difficult, but it will certainly be worth it when you can finally say you are — or are close to being — in the financial position you have always desired to be.